Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Dog Has Cancer

Okay, it was a cancerous tumor on his tonsil that made him snore like someone's grandpa. We'd been to the vet before to talk about it, when it first started happening a month ago, but they didn't discover it until we took him in today to remove a benign growth on his butt (apparently this is common in older dogs) which turned out to be nothing. Thank goodness. They only found the tumor while trying to intubate him for the surgery. So now we wait for the biopsy results to determine if it is the kind of cancer that doesn't spread, or the kind that does (lymphoma). We don't want to lose Mr. Puppy Head.

Friday, May 22, 2009

On Turning Three

I can't believe Maisey is three years old today! How did that happen? My computer slideshow includes pictures of us in the hospital when she was born, with that round puffy red face, and that headful of beautiful dark hair. Now all that baby fat is gone and I see a blonde little girl (where did that come from?), with a mind and will of her own. How did that happen?

She is sweet and sassy, and totally her own person. And she reminds me of this everyday by saying things that totally surprise me. Like this morning when she asked me to put water in her new water table (birthday gift). I said,

"Can you wait until Mommy finishes putting together the birdbath?"

"No," she says, "I have very important things to do."

Indeed. A preview of things to come.