Saturday, August 29, 2009

Preschool and Preparedness

I guess Moms have to be prepared for anything, all the time. What was my little angel last week has suddenly morphed into a mischievious little stinker the next. You know it's not a good thing when you pick up your child from preschool and your child's teacher has to take you aside for a private conversation.

Turns out, Maisey actually hit a teacher at preschool on Friday. The last day of her first week of preschool, and she's sent to the principle's office. Where did that come from? Is this a preview of things to come? Of course I'm appalled. So many questions, so many worries. Is it all some deep seated agression that will emerge as a full-blown personality flaw later in life? Will she need therapy? Meds? Am I failing her as a mother and role model? Or was the first week of the new schedule--earlier to bed, earlier to rise, and all the excitement in between--just too much for her on day 5? I'm hoping it's that last one, because I've got enough guilt to last a lifetime already, and no idea how to be a different mom to prevent the first two.

The upside is a friend who told me yesterday that her daughter has done something very similar when approached by strangers (Thanks Crystal!). I'm hoping it's a phase that I can help talk Maisey through. If only I can stay calm and say the right thing when Maisey spits, hits, or screams like a dinosaur in greeting to said strangers. (And for the record, it's true, writers don't always know the right thing to say in every situation, and we sometimes use slang and incorrect grammar, just to fit in).

What motherhood has taught me so far is that I have to be prepared for everything. I wonder if there's a good parenting book on this. Not some vague tome of overall conduct and mutual respect, but the one with a specific index entry that says, Hitting, Spitting, and Dinosaur Screams, dealing with, see page 58.

Ah, if only kids came with a manual....

Friday, August 21, 2009


This was a great day. Despite Clint going on a fishing trip for the weekend--I miss him already!--it was such a relaxing day for me that I just wish they could all go this smoothly, right through to the day I give birth.

I can't believe what a polite, happy little girl Maisey has been all day. What a joy! She was so sweet and happy this morning when she woke up. She didn't fight a nap, or bedtime. She actually asked to take a bath at 7:45. We had a lot of fun making ice cream with Play Doh, eating popcorn and watching Jungle Book, playing with Ariel & Flounder in the bath, reading stories at nap and bedtime. She was just so sweet, she said, "Thank you Mommy for reading that book." when I finished. Then she said, "I think I'll go to sleep now." I couldn't have been more charmed. I'm just hoping and praying this cooperation and sweetness continues so that our first day at preschool (and every day after that) goes well.

She was even pretty well behaved at the doctor's today. Of course Clint was there to distract her; she's a little overprotective of Mommy's belly these days, unless the nurse takes her blood pressure or puts the doppler on her belly.

But yeah! I only gained a pound and a half in the past two weeks. I just don't think my belly can stretch a millimeter more, and maybe I'm right. Everything looks good, and I've only got a month left! I guess that realization put me in a good mood, and a good night's rest doesn't hurt either.

It's finally sinking in that all the alien movement in my belly will be a beautiful baby girl in just four weeks! I'm not panicked about the long list of stuff that hasn't yet been done, or worried about the impending c-section, or everyone's opinion that I may go into labor early. I feel so at peace today that I just want this to linger for the next four weeks and forever.

Life is good.