Yes, I'll take my compliments where I can. And just to make things tense, I am going to get on my soapbox about a moronic comment by a senatorial candidate in Missouri, Todd Akins, who said that if a woman has experienced legitimate rape, (as opposed to illegitimate rape?) then he believes, based on his understanding of a woman's body, that her body has a way of preventing pregnancy. Holy shit! Really?! And here I've been paying through the nose for birth control all these years!
Wait! Wait! I have a great idea! This is big news, Mr. Akins! Just inform every other uterus in the world that they can use this power for real healthcare reform: they can prevent unwanted pregnancy, and we can legitimately make birth control and Planned Parenthood obsolete (as opposed to Akin's party's proposal to just defund it).
Then the healthcare industry, and some super rich philanthropists can work on genetically engineering a cervix that "slams shut" like a steel door at the first sign of an intruder, and unwanted sex of any kind would be cut off, literally. Oh wait. Isn't that what Mr. Akins says we already have the power to do?
Okay, now back to reality. The truth is that crusty old men who lack the basic knowledge of biology should NOT legislate on women's health and protection. Put the pen down, and step away from the vagina legislation!
Now, back to our regularly scheduled program: life.
Back to School Lessons for Mom
Adjusting to school again has been a learning curve--for me. Just as I do every year, I try to squeeze in "just one more" fun thing for the kids and me to do, and well, as usual, with embarrassing results. I thought a trip to Wheeling to a paint class with a child who just spent 6 hours in school (still sleep deprived because she just refuses to go to bed before 9), and then strapped to her seat in the car for an hour and a half drive to Wheeling, and then sitting in a chair for a two hour painting class at a museum we'd never been to before with thousands of cool things to do, with friends who get along well and excite each other immensely, and then dinner at a restaurant. It was too much sitting.
Lesson learned.
But when I look at the pictures, it looks like a pleasant evening was had by all.
The teacher offered to paint little butterfly wisps on the girls' faces, and Maisey was excited, since I'd already washed her face twice during the painting class. So downstairs they went, and a few minutes later, the teacher emerged to tell me that Maisey wanted to paint her own face. I told her it was okay, and sorry my child was acting like a street urchin. Then said street urchin emerged, looking like she was preparing to go into battle--with Braveheart.
So, until further notice, we are spending much needed relaxing time at home after school.
I need butterflies and unicorns after this past week; the B vitamin just isn't working.