As harried as I was by the stuff they constantly asked for, I kept to my word, allowing them each a new bucket and shovel for the sandbox, and they seemed satisfied until we got to the checkout counter, where a little box of shiny and beautiful stretchy rings were on display for little eyes to admire.
They both wanted one, and were examining the rings, trying them on, and when I said, "no," they put them back.
Or so I thought.
Onward to the grocery store and home. Fast forward to Monday afternoon when Evie comes into the kitchen I was busy cleaning, saying, "Mommy, I want to show you my ring."
When I saw it I went silent. What a disappointment that my children had taken a ring from the store, and more disappointing that I didn't catch it when it happened.
When I asked Evie, she said Maisey had hidden it behind her back and took it with her. I was livid. Maisey and I have had this conversation once before when she was Evie's age. She had stolen candy. I found her with it in the car, and immediately drove her to the store and told her to return it to the cashier with an apology. She cried, but did as she was told. We talked about how stealing was wrong, and I thought she understood. Now at almost, 7, I wondered if that lesson had been learned afterall.
I put the ring in my pocket, and we went to pick up Maisey from school.
Evie fell asleep in the car, but still I drove over to the Craft Store and parked. Then I pulled out the ring and asked Maisey if she stole it. She said no, Evie had stolen it. I was torn. Is she lying? Was Evie lying? How do I get to the truth? How to I deal with lying and stealing?
Maisey was adamant that Evie had done it but changed her story, first saying she saw Evie hide it in her pocket in the store and then saying she saw Evie with it in the car. I did the only thing I could do: I told Maisey that even if she didn't take the ring, when she saw Evie with it she should have told me immediately. I asked her to take the ring to the cashier, tell him/her what happened, and be sure to apologize, which she did. All the while Evie was asleep.
Tuesday morning Evie asked me where her sparkly ring was. I told her it wasn't her ring, that it belonged in the store, and that's where we returned it yesterday. Then I asked her again if she had put it in her pocket to take home, and she said yes, she did. Then she said no, Maisey took it. I think I found my culprit. While the prime opportunity was lost, I told Evie the we don't take things that don't belong to us, and we never, ever lie about it.
What makes me feel so foolish is believing Evelyn so completely in the first place, and not believing Maisey at all when she said she hadn't taken it. Where was my Mommy Radar? Figuring out how to explain to a preschooler that lying and stealing are both unacceptable is causing me anquish. Did any of it sink in? While she listened, I don't think it did.
What would you do if it were your child?