Thursday, June 4, 2009

Random thoughts

It's a manic day. Chief's tumor is benign. yeah! Maisey's been acting like pure heathen. boo! I think she's overtired, and I'm putting her down for naps and bed way too late. Clint's been on travel, which will continue through the weekend. boo! And my lack of patience doesn't help. Things must change. It's been raining, so we can't expend any energy outside. She's been jumping on the sofa, and climbing it like a jungle gym--she actually broke a spring on one end of the couch. Heathen! The naughty chair just doesn't command any respect. When did that happen? What can I do? If I weren't pregnant I'd have three options: red wine, yoga, or Sweetie. Forget the red wine: with all the complications of this pregnancy I'm not taking a chance. Forget yoga: I couldn't get out of (or into) even the simplest pose. Ah Sweetie. A good long trail ride used to do the trick, but again, no riding while pregnant. But I can go feed her carrots and groom her. She loves a good grooming. I just hope I'll be able to reach her legs.

1 comment:

  1. I never thought about the fact that you can't ride when you are pregnant! Duh.
    I bet you do miss that outlet.

    Before you had kids didn't you think you could "make" them behave. Bahahaha.
