Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Conquering the Potty

I think we've finally turned the corner on potty training. After fits and starts, progress that gave me such high hopes, and then the sudden and frustrating regression, I think my little girl has finally decided that it's time for big girl panties full time.

Hooray! We've even been going in public toilets, AND washing out hands afterwards! This is one less thing I have to worry about, hopefully, when the baby comes. The best part was going to visit her preschool today to drop off paperwork and she said to me, "Mommy, I have to go potty!" The last time we were there she had two accidents. What a turnaround. And relief. They preschool expects their students to be potty trained!

Now if I could only get her to pick up her toys every night....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Flying Solo

I have to pay homage to all the single moms who juggle work, kids, and all the responsibilities (not to mention trying to carve out a personal life) without the help and support of a spouse. I don't know how they do it. I've been flying solo for three days now, and I'm so ready for Clint to come home. And not just for his help--I miss him!

I can't fathom how a single mother does it. Maisey's been great recently. I think she's reaching milestones left and right. She's communicating feelings and thoughts so much more these days, which really helps me gauge her moods. She's much more cooperative, and some of the concepts I've been repeating for well over a year are finally sinking in (pick up your toys, put dishes in the sink, etc.) She's even able to and wants to do things for herself, which is such a help!
She misses Daddy something fierce though. Tonight she didn't want me to leave the room, because she was afraid I'd leave her. I had to comfort her that I was only going into the livingroom, that I'm still here for her. She doesn't like when Daddy leaves. What does a single mom tell her child?

Maybe it's difficult for me because I'm pregnant, and have a cold. At 7 1/2 months, I can barely walk a flight of steps without becoming winded, so the daily tasks of cleaning, laundry, cooking, and entertaining Maisey have become too much. Things begin to fall by the wayside, and I don't have the energy or free time even when Daddy comes home to catch up, or just let me rest. I can't imagine not being able to count on someone else for that kind of support.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Date Night Fix

For me, date night has become an addiction. The more I get, the more I want. I look forward to it as if it were my next fix of sanity. Why is that? It's taken three years to organize a sitter and coordinate ours schedules so my hubby and I could actually go out somewhere and reconnect. At first it was just like we were dating--meeting at pubs and restaurants for drinks and wings, except we always ended up discussing our daughter. But over time we started talking about other things, laughing, making plans again. Really being together. I have come to simply enjoy being just me, just being with him.

Last night was a complete date: dinner and a movie. It's been three or four years since we've seen a movie together in the theater. We used to go all the time, and now I now realize how much I took for granted. It felt like the good ole' days again, well, with the exception of my huge belly and all that goes with that. With baby #2 on the way, I just hope that I can keep up with our regular date night; it really makes me feel like my own person again. And I really need that.

On a side note, we saw Land of the Lost. We're both fans of Will Ferrell, and while not all of his movies were worthy of four stars (Talladega Nights was like a root canal!), this one kept us both laughing and entertained. And don't worry if you've never seen the original television series, you'll enjoy this movie.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I wonder if I'm going to make it to 40 weeks. I'm at 27 now (or will be on Saturday), and I feel like my hips will discintigrate if I add one more ounce of weight or pressure to my expanding frame. I don't remember being this achy and hormonal last time. I guess I'm experiencing some of the drawbacks of pregnancy in "advanced maternal age."

I was so busy trying to organize toys and baby things today that I forgot dinner on the stove until I smelled it burning. Oops. I woke up from a nap this afternoon (I know, how hard is my life???) feeling as if I hadn't slept in weeks. How is it possible to be more tired after a nap?

I'm at the mercy of my evil hormones--estrogen, progesterone and relaxin, just to name a few. And they are rendering me a physical and emotional mess. Good thing I have a sense of humor, right and this is only a temporary condition.

Eleven more weeks, and then, like the hormones coursing through my body, the aches, pains and memory of these hard days will dissipate into pure joy. I can't wait to meet her.