Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Conquering the Potty

I think we've finally turned the corner on potty training. After fits and starts, progress that gave me such high hopes, and then the sudden and frustrating regression, I think my little girl has finally decided that it's time for big girl panties full time.

Hooray! We've even been going in public toilets, AND washing out hands afterwards! This is one less thing I have to worry about, hopefully, when the baby comes. The best part was going to visit her preschool today to drop off paperwork and she said to me, "Mommy, I have to go potty!" The last time we were there she had two accidents. What a turnaround. And relief. They preschool expects their students to be potty trained!

Now if I could only get her to pick up her toys every night....

1 comment:

  1. Pick up toys? You can teach them to do that? NO WAY! :)
