Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Rush Rush Have Fun!

So much going on that I forgot when it all happened. So here's the scrambled egg version.

We swam and played at home.

Why don't my kids ever play with things they way they're expected to?

We had a Maisey N Mommy Date. Dinner consisted of the four food groups for Maisey.

Then a quick trip to the beauty salon.

We went to Idlewild.

We swam too, if you can call it that. Evie and I got a little wet (mostly sweaty) chasing Maisey around from slide to wave pool to slide, which we couldn't do because Evie is still just too young.

Waiting for Daddy to come home to tell him all about it.

Then, Evie and I had two days of dates. Maisey had a two-day Fairy Camp at the library. Evie and I had two days to relax, and Maisey had fun making fairy houses and fairy dream catchers.

Even just running errands is much more pleasant with just one child. Evie is a different person one on one, and it makes me sad sometimes. She's so sweet, and funny. And Maisey is silly and funny, and sneaky. I have to keep an eye on that. But they're oil and water some days. It would be more interesting to watch if I didn't have to break up so many fights.

We ate at the Blue Moose. We had gigantic waffles topped with strawberries and whipped cream.

We went camping. Exhausting fun!

Evie and her new friend Sophia coloring.

Donuts: The breakfast of campers.

The whole camping gang (not all shown) gearing up to play music.

Daddy taking the girls to the camp store for ice cream.

And now I need another nap. That was exhausting!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Hard Week of Play

Can play really be exhausting? Not for the four-foot and under members of this household. But I am run ragged.

WV/Art camp started off well, until Maisey woke up looking like Rocky Balboa after his first match. Foolishly I thought it was my fault with the make up party we had the night before. I didn't learn until at the doctor's office how she and some friends were playing with leaves out on the playground at camp. Spectacular! Of course it was poison ivy. And those other kids look as miserable as she does. And I have to throw away all of my makeup now.

Maisey's friends came to swim after camp. At least they got to swim for 30 minutes before the massive downpour. Alex, her boyfriend all through Kindergarten, joined us for dinner with his parents that evening. I am trying to figure out how to upload the videos that Maisey and Alex created. They are sheer genius!

I finally made the girls their super hero t-shirts. Maisey is 3-Jack the good guy and Evie is Speed Glass, the evil villain.

Then we had another play date with friends from the Wheeling area. It was so good to catch up. And the girls played so well together that I wish they would move back to town!

Evie was so tired she passed out on the couch with Daddy. And even Maisey was happy to put on her PJs.

And, as if the week of play wasn't enough, we went to a barneque on Saturday with family. It was so good to catch up with the family! I didn't get many good pictures, but here are just a few of swimming, and making our own jump ropes, and the hayride.

And last, but not least, was a really fun Barbie Party play date at a friend's house. They watched a Barbie movie, ate Barbie cupcakes and played Barbies in the playroom.

Time for a break! Though my hubby will tell you I got one with Mom's night out with friends this week. Dinner and Magic Mike. Life is good.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Drive On

How many things can a mom and two kids do to fill the hours of the day for a whole week? Let me count the ways.

Dress Pickle like a princess.

Take a self portrait.

Take pictures of your sleeping sister.

And your own feet.

And your sister's Scooby Doo bandaid.

Arrange the newly arrived furniture in the living room and let your 6 year old take photos.

Go to Valley Worlds of Fun to let off some steam after a weekend of sanding, staining and polyurethaning the floors. Woo hoo for fun!

Invite friends over for a fun play date.

Eat cupcakes at birthday parties. Or just decorate your face with the icing.