Monday, July 9, 2012

I've been busy

I feel like SuperMom, if SuperMom is hunched over in pain from doing everything and then some in a week's time while her husband flies off to Shanghai for some cushy week of work. I jest. It's as hard on him as it is on us, but in very different ways.

We did have some fun though. I just can't remember what, so I'm posting what I think happened last week.

Oh yeah, we went to the Carnegie Science Center. They had an awesome Guitar Exhibit and the ever exciting RoboWorld Exhibit.

Evie found C3PO. She was excited, and she doesn't even know who he is. But I gushed over meeting B-9 from Lost In Space. Am I showing my age here?

Fourth of July

As been our tradition for 13 years, we celebrated Independence Day at Lake Floyd with friends. It almost didn't happen--could it be the unlucky 13 thing? I wonder. But seriously, a storm took out power throughout southern WV the previous Thursday, and our friends only had their electricity restored the night before. It was still a great time. I'd show you pictures, but I left my camera there.

Um, Clint left for China Thursday night so we hung out all day spending quality time together (read: getting on each other's nerves).

Friday was the art cart. Meet Rocco, Maisey's pet flamingo-peacock, who eats rocks. Cool bird. Evie collected rocks from the playground while Maisey created this masterpiece. We also stopped by White Park, and then they napped.

And we swam. Evie decided she needed two pairs of sunglasses, it was so bright out.

DIM: Did It Myself

Yes, I was a weekend warrior, single handedly refinishing the old oak floors in our living room and hallway. Hence, the reason I'm stooped right now like a 90 year old, and every muscle in my body hurts. But it's well worth the results.

Well, here's the entryway where I pulled up the tile. Before you marvel at my skills and expertise, you must know that the tile came up in whole 12" squares because the thinset and grout were not done right. Lucky me, because the hard work was yet to come.

It took a LOT of work to get used to the big drum sander and edge sander I rented. I gouged, I skittered, and I sparked nailheads nearly to flames before I got a "handle" on it and finished two passes in the hallway and living room. ,

And then I stained it, with the help of my babysitter (who felt so sorry for me that at 8 pm I still wasn't finished with the whole project, per my estimation) and her awesome roommate, who also helped me clear all the crap out of the room that morning.

Glorious, yes? Yes. Until I discovered Sunday morning whole areas that said awesome roommate missed in the hallway. Like the whole threshold to the basement, and the entire linen closet floor. Before I could put a second coat of stain on, I had to fix those. And then after the second coat, I discovered the lovely disco pattern I created with the edger sander around the entire room. Can you hear the flush of six hours of work/drying time? Right down the toilet.

So, after a talk with my hubby (thank you for being so supportive and motivating, rather than being a Negative Neil!) I decided to buck up and buy a Mouse sander and, oh yeah, exchange the polyurethane for the correct kind to match my bathroom. Anyway, two days of sanding, a day of staining and a day of polyurethaning later, and I have new beautiful oak hardwood floors. Now I can't wait for the furniture to arrive!

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