Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cordless Baby!

I got my Christmas wish for a cordless baby! Evie's been off oxygen since Friday December 18, and is doing great. Her last echocardiogram was normal; actually the doctor said her pressures were low, and that was great news, but we're being cautious about sending Maisey back to preschool in cold & flu season. On the one hand, I'm anxious to send her back because I think she needs the social interaction, I could use the break, and Evie could certainly do with a few hours of one-on-one, older sibling jealousy-free mommy time each morning. On the other hand, I'm afraid to send her back because as her first year of preschool, she'll be bringing home all manner of germs. It seems at least one kid out of eight is sick with something, and we know how kids are.
The irony is though, that Evelyn caught a cold anyway. I can't say where for sure, but it could have been any of us. Her cough sounds horrible, but her O2 levels have been pretty good, with the exception of two nights last weekend. We put her back on O2 overnight then and she snapped out of it. It seemed that whenever she fell asleep, her oxygen levels dropped along with her heart rate. And since we wanted her to rest while she slept--and her heart was unlikely to do that working to keep her O2 levels up--we thought the oxygen would help prevent her heart from working too hard. So far so good. The cough seems to get a little worse in the evening, but she's still maintaining good O2 levels. It's just a matter of letting the cold take its course, now, and building tolerance against future germs.

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