Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Two Step

Evelyn's echocardiogram yesterday showed that her pressures were back to where they were before we weaned her. So this cold has set her back to square one, basically, despite seeing improvements today. Even yesterday, for example, as with the previous week, the moment she fell asleep her O2 levels dropped with her heart rate. But today, they hung in the high nineties, then mid nineties before slowly declining to the point at which I know I need to put the canula back on. So she still requires the O2 to sleep, but today so far and yesterday too, her saturations have been good when she's awake, albeit with a slightly elevated heart rate.

The doctor thinks this is a temporary condition of the cold and will improve, and we'll be able to wean her back off the oxygen again. But it's worrisome that even a cold--which didn't dampen her spirits or do much to alter her health or temperament in any other way--can silently wreak such havoc on her health, and her parents' nerves.

This is going to be a long winter indeed.


  1. How is Evie doing? Is she feeling better yet?

  2. Hi Crystal! Oh, Evie's back and forth these days. She's now working through her second cold, which doesn't seem to bother her much on the outside, but apparently wreaks havoc on her lungs. We've been back on oxygen since around the New Year. Weaning is even more slow this time--or so it seems. We're hoping she'll be weaned soon. She has another echo on the 17th. We do hope it is better than the last (which showed her pressures were back up again).
