Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cleanse Day 14: Coming Clean

Okay Okay! On Cleanse Day 13 I cheated. It couldn't be helped. I scheduled a much needed date night with my hubby and we planned for dinner and a movie. At least he planned for dinner. I planned for a bowl of pureed vegetables and legumes and a movie. :) But for some reason, I didn't have time to prepare dinner (read: nuke the asparagus soup from the Cleanse Diet). So off we went in search of a restaurant that would have something I could eat. Or slurp. Dinner is supposed to be liquid.

I told him the mall was out, because there's absolutely nothing in there that I could eat without totally blowing the Cleanse. So we opted for a later movie and went across town to Chilis, where my mouth was actually watering for some guacamole. Now I don't know what is in guacamole, besides avacado and lemon, but theirs is yummy. When I got there, they had no such side dish I could enjoy. No soups either. Everything had tomatoes or cheese, or both, and I was really trying hard not to cheat. It would have to be a solid meal, so hopefully I could find something close to a clean meal.

Mango & Avacado Chicken with steamed broccoli. It was divine. I ate it all. Didn't touch the rice. Didn't touch the pico de gallo on the side either. And I felt so guilty, but it was so nice to have a real dinner with my husband, and have a real conversation to go with it.

And then the punishment: my stomach was bloated! And the gurgling and noises it made! And when I went to bed that night I didn't sleep nearly as well as I have been. I think returning to "real" food after this cleanse is going to be an eye opener. I don't want to just bloat back to where I was. Where's the health benefit in that?

Clint has noticed a change in me. I have lost weight--maybe 10 pounds at most--and he can hardly keep his hands and eyes off me now. I like sleeping like a log at night. It's a heavy, regenerative sleep that can be very addictive. And speaking of addictions. How can I go back to drinking coffee after the horrible day of detox I had just 11 days ago?

I am still struggling with wanting to snack, but I think it's more about breaking habits than being hungry. I just don't know how much more busy I can make myself to cope with it. I planned the entire week of reading and activities for Maisey's first grade class last week for Author's Week. And there were some snafus, mostly because my planning skills are rusty, and partly because I'm human, and I'm constantly interrupted by two little humans who need me, especially when I'm on the phone, the computer, or cooking.

Rock Buddy samples for a school craft.

And one of those little snafus has landed me in an awkward and tense situation with another parent in Maisey's class. Just what I need. Tension there. It was an unintentional oversight, and she was rude and condescending when I apologized. And being on the cleanse and my period, I was way more sensitive to it. I graduated from high school twenty-somthing years ago. I don't intend to relive it through my daughter's school years. I think I'm going to be able to put it behind me and move on, albeit a lot less cordially with this person, who seemed to show a vicious and rather narcicistic side. It makes me sad that there's any negativity associated with my volunteering at Maisey's school. But like everything, it's a learning and growing experience for me, so I'm embracing it.

Anyway, now I feel clean again.

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