Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Day In The Life

Being three is a magical time. My three year old is silly and sassy, full of energy and curiosity. And she's a sponge. She takes it all in, and gives back so much more. She says she wants to go to school, so I signed her up for preschool in the fall. She's very excited about going to school. I, on the other hand, am not. It marks the end a chapter in our family life, one that I don't feel quite ready to let go. I know it's inevitable, so I'm trying to enjoy every moment (except the ones where she has a tantrum--those I will gladly forget).

So here's a typical day for Evie and me after we drop Maisey at school. First, we share our yummy and delicious clean shake. She enjoys it so much, I've started giving her some in her own cup.

Then we play. Sometimes she likes to rest in her spaceship.

Or create Polly World. Chief likes to play too.

This is her favorite dress up costume these days. Fairy Princess Warrior. I love it.

Sometimes creating her own polly world is exhausting.

Sometimes she likes to make up her own meals for lunch. Just like Mama, the experimental chef. This is her bluebrerry hummus sandwich. Yum!

After lunch, there's more time for play. Sometimes we draw pictures.

Or decorate t-shirts

On special days, she lets me play with her hair.

And sometimes she gets stuck. I have to help her up.

Then Maisey comes home. Who knows what to expect from there. Somtimes they play well, like when they are doing alien autopsies.

Or just monkeying around.

And it's always fun when Maisey has a friend over to play.

And sometimes they fight. But then Daddy comes home and then there's dinner and Daddy time.

With this attitude, I know she'll be fine.

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